Everything Tortilla with Smoked Trout

Written by our Executive Chef
Who needs a bagel when you can have a rise & puff tortilla? The “everything” tortilla starts with a smear of cream cheese, Spring onion, picked herbs, toasted sesame seeds, sea salt and a crack of black pepper. My good friend caught and smoked this fish, but you can do this at home as well! See the recipe below.
Serves: 1 person
- 1 Rise & Puff Everything Tortilla
- 1 T Fresh Cream Cheese
- Picked Herbs, Parsley and Fennel
- Spring Onion
- 1 pinch Sea Salt
- 1 pinch Cracked Black Pepper
Smoked Fish Recipe:
- 4 Boneless, Skin-on Trout Fillets
- 1 qt Water
- ½ Cup Salt
- ¾ Cup Honey
The Build
- Mix the ingredients in a pot over medium heat until the salt and honey have dissolved.
- When the brine is cool, submerge the filets and refrigerate overnight.
- Pre- heat the smoker to 185 degrees fahrenheit.
- Smoke for three hours.
- Once cool, store under refrigeration.
Combine all the ingredients on a fresh Rise & Puff tortilla, and enjoy your creation!

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Brian Johnson —
I was just browsing through my social media page and I came across your post